Traditional, internet and inbound marketing... and life.

Why you should use video on your website

Written by Mike Coombs | February 11,2015
Stats you should know. And examples.

Everyone is an expert at watching and listening to video. Video “literacy” is extremely high.

Quality video is the most powerful communications medium...

short of "face-to-face". But we can’t be face-to-face with everyone in marketing, so using video online is an undeniable winner. Video is persuasive.

Video delivers SIGHT, SOUND, MOTION, and most important, EMOTION. And it’s easy to deliver online video via your website.

74% of marketing survey respondents say videos increase people’s understanding of your product or service @DigitalSherpas 2014

I say it’s higher than that.




75% of B to B marketers say they will use video in 2015. Content Marketing Institute 2014








5 minutes and 29 seconds is the average time on site for blog posts with videos. That's much better than blogs with just images and text. ContentMarketing Institute 2014

And I can tell you that Coombs Marketing's time on site average and average number of page views has improved enormously in just the 5 weeks we've been doing our video blog.

Research shows that 80% of site visitors will watch a video, while only 20% will read content.

Wow. Web visitors love video.

And the cost of video… the barrier to entry, has come way down. Good video cameras and video editing gear cost a fraction of what they cost 20 years ago.

What other business has that happened in? The result is that anyone can record and playback video.

That does not mean that just anyone should make a video though!

What has NOT changed is the skillfull human element.

While anyone can make simple videos, there are two essentials that remain unchanged since Edison invented the Kinetiscope.   (Please come back to this page after you see how even at the beginning of motion pictures, smart people created compelling motion pictures!)

One… have a reason the audience would want to see this.

Make it useful or entertaining. Have a bullet proof rationale.   
The medium is NOT the message, online.  So have a really good reason… a plan… a rationale… a "why?"

And two…

When you want your video to be anything more than very simple...

Hire a pro. Use experienced crafts people.

And here’s a shout out specifically to experienced professional corporate video producers. They know the variety of crafts. And they understand YOUR BUSINESS needs and priorities. 

Check out the videos on the first page of our customer, Fiberon Decking's great new website at

Fiberon’s Creative Director Mike Sells says “One of our brand’s top value propositions is that our products are very beautiful. Seeing is believing.  So top notch photography and video are always a priority for us” 

And Internet Services Manager Marc Brookshire adds “We’re pretty clear and studies show that viewers are far more likely to click the “play button” on a web video than almost any other web call to action. So we love having customer testimonial videos on our main landing page”.

Scroll to the bottom of the home page where the customer testimonials are and check our videos out!.




Video is powerful and a great way to increase time on your site..."stickiness", and persuasion. Consider improving the video, and adding more video to your site!







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