Here’s a simple budget video I created for a nice client: Cogo Caffeinated Hot Chocolate. The hot chocolate is delicious and "refreshes the mind".
Caffeinated Video!
by Mike Coombs on December 3,2020
How I bent Google to my will. (In 360 degrees.)
by Mike Coombs on August 4,2020
Google is the 2000 lb. Gorilla of digital marketing. Getting Google to “do what you want” is the sine qua non (Google it!) of marketing, advertising, and PR.
Marketing in an economic downturn
by Katie Coombs on March 17,2020
In times of economic (pandemic) downturn, many businesses are searching for ways to keep costs in check. When this happens, first budget item to be cut tends to be the marketing spend. We would argue that it may make sense to cut out some of your traditional marketing deliverables, but not digital marketing.
Local Advertising; What is it and why do you need it?
by Katie Coombs on February 25,2020
To target audiences that are close to the location of your business, you need a local marketing strategy. A business looking to use local influencers and regional assets to attract customers in local neighborhoods, would benefit from a fine-tuned local marketing plan.