Traditional, internet and inbound marketing... and life.

7 Marketing Must-Reads for Active Holiday Guest Avoidance

Written by Mary Coombs | November 25,2014

Do you feel like you're having a Griswold style Thanksgiving?  If your relatives are driving you batty and you're looking for some good "reads" in the realm of marketing, kick your shoes off and relax.  Here are 7 valuable Blogs I have learned from.  

In her article, Content Strategy for the Customer Journey: Marketing that Makes Business Sense, from Conversation Agent, Valeria Maltoni talks about how relevant content leads to discovery, drives engagement and inspires action. It's a great explanation of the entire process of engaging and providing value. This is true for both client acquisition and client retention.

How Does Your Marketing Really Make People Feel? In the STORY of TELLING, Bernadette Jiwa talks about how the best marketing strategy is to lead with the customer’s story. She writes "Traditional advertising and PR’s obituary is constantly written and re-written, but we’re so scared of being invisible that we continue to use marketing tactics that do nothing to help grow our businesses."


I thought Seth Godin's blog, A Three Step Marketing Ladder was excellent and succinct (as usual).  "Probably worth reviewing at your next marketing meeting (or every marketing meeting)... " 



Let’s Get Personal: 12 Ways to Tailor Your Marketing to Individuals, by Melissa Nazar of HubSpot's Inbound Marketing blog, talks about customer engagement and prioritizing personalization. Great article if you are looking for ways to attract your customers with content.


For all things SEO, The Moz Blog's Rand Fishkin writes about serendipitous marketing,"where the work we do at the top of the funnel can take winding and often unexpected paths to conversions" in How Can the Value of Top-of-Funnel Channels be Measured - Whiteboard Friday..


A new way to look at the way you purchase design in The Case Against Paying Designers By The Hour, by Suzanne LaBarre from Co.Design, was interesting. In it she talks about "sticker shock" always being an obstacle when negotiating design fees.


In SocialSteve's Blog post, Facebook is Dead for Brands, Now What?, he discusses the change Facebook made to reduce organic reach of a brand's posts to less than 2% of a brand's likes. According to a Facebook spokesperson, “We’re getting to a place where because more people are sharing more things, the best way to get your stuff seen if you’re a business is to pay for it.”


With this list, I wish you a very happy and safe (and sane) Thanksgiving!