Traditional, internet and inbound marketing... and life.

Is your online presence attracting the best talent?

Written by Mary Coombs | November 30,2014

Watching football on Sunday had me thinking about attracting the best talent to a team.  How does a growing business attract the best talent today, and how can they enhance what they're doing?

If you're trying to attract the top graduates in a field, what do those students want to know about getting a job in your field, or at your company? How do students today learn about anything?  Online of course!

Are you providing the answers to them? The Sales Lion Inbound podcast, Inbound as a Recruiting Tooltalks about using the inbound methodology to recruit top talent to your company.  They suggest a best practice for recruiting includes dedicating a part of your website to "Careers." So what messages would attract the right students to your site? What topics are students interested in?

According to the Harvard Business Review article by Sanjeev Agrawal, How Companies Can Attract the Best College Talent, the two areas most interesting from a marketing perspective were, "What millennials look for in employers" and "How do millennials hear about employers."

According to Agrawal, the data results for what they were looking for from employers were:

  1. People and Culture Fit
  2. Career Potential
  3. Work/Life Balance
  4. Compensation
  5. Challenging Environment
  6. Company Mission
  7. Innovation
  8. New Graduate Program
  9. Market Leadership
  10. Target Audience
  11. Alumni and Friends

The key takeaway: "It's imperative to focus on communicating your culture and career growth to potential employees. The two fundamental questions that young job seekers ask, and that companies need to answer are: “What is it like to work there?” and “What kind of growth can I expect?”

And, how do millennials hear about employers? 

“Friends” showed up as the number one way millennials hear about companies, according to their research, followed by job boards. Clearly, branding — how a company is perceived year round, across media types — is more important than just being present on campus. If college students like something, they tell their friends on social media or face-to-face."

How should you market to these millenials?  

1. Get Your Best People to Engage With Students

2. Go Where Students Are (and They’re Often Not at College Fairs)....They're ONLINE!

Millennials are online all the time. You must have part of your site dedicated to this audience. It needs to be an engaging, visually appealing, and personalized experience for them to stay.  A best practice of recruiters is a blog dedicated to this audience.  Each of the 11 top things millenials look for in employers, would make great content to blog about.  Give them information they can use to choose you as the company they want to work for. Nurture them with personalized content they want and need.  

The inbound methodology is perfect for attracting top talent!  To learn more about the inbound methodology, download our presentation, IT'S TIME TO TRANSFORM OUR MARKETING.

For more on inbound marketing check out these blogs: