Traditional, internet and inbound marketing... and life.

How Website Optimization is more than Keywords

Written by Katie Coombs | August 11,2017

Your company has probably spent a significant amount of time and money on your website.  Are you completely sure you’ve done everything possible to set yourself up for success?

When it comes to optimizing your website, it’s common to focus mainly on Keyword strategy and Search Engine Optimization or “SEO,” when in reality those are key pieces in a bigger puzzle.

You do need a strong keyword strategy and on page SEO, for sure...AND

It’s also important to craft opportunities where individual website visitors convert into online leads.

An effectively optimized website creates pathways, guiding visitors to the next logical step; an overall user experience designed specifically to nurture leads as they progress through the sales funnel.  In doing so, you control where the visitor goes and what they see, by design. Specific attention to page titles, URL’s, page headers and meta descriptions allow your website to be easily understood by readers and easily crawled and indexed by search engines.

Optimization is both how people find your website AND what they do, once they get there.

So how can you be sure you’ll get the RIGHT visitors?

To be successful, you need a clear understanding of your buyer persona(s).  Who is your ideal buyer, what makes them tick and what motivates their purchasing decisions? 

Once you’ve defined and prioritized your buyer personas, you’ll have a much easier time building a website they find appealing.  Structure on-page SEO using the keywords, phrases and language your ideal buyer might use when searching for you.  By speaking to them in their language you’ll keep visitors on your site, once they get there.

After all, content that is optimized for searchers is also optimized for search engines.


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