Traditional, internet and inbound marketing... and life.

What's the cost of your sales & marketing teams misalignment?

Written by Mary Coombs | June 10,2014

The mistrust and miscommunication that’s so often found between the two teams can act like an anchor on your company’s growth rate. 

Organizations with good alignment between sales and marketing teams achieved 20% annual revenue growth. Companies with poor alignment saw revenues decline by 4%.*

That’s why many companies work hard to generate better communication between sales and marketing – only to see cracks between the two groups re-open over time. The bottom line is that achieving sales and marketing alignment can be tough, but maintaining alignment is even tougher. 

Creating a solid, lasting partnership between sales and marketing requires a strategic approach that treats the two teams as a single, revenue-generating organization. 

The key to this approach is implementing a framework of data-driven tools and practices that help sales and marketing teams work better together. Once hard numbers have defined key stages of your funnel and outlined each team’s expectations, there’s a lot less room for sales and marketing to argue about each other’s performance. The results are plain for everyone to see. 

And as you get more comfortable using data to manage your sales & marketing team, you’ll find new ways to optimize your campaigns, improve your sales follow-up and generate more revenue – which is the best way to keep everyone in the company happy. 

To find out more about aligning your sales & marketing teams download the free ebook below, that will teach you the science of sales and marketing alignment and show you how to implement the six key elements of a sales & maketing team framework.

* Study by the Aberdeen Group

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