How testimonial videos make a claim believable

Posted by Mike Coombs on November 11,2014


Video is powerful for a wide variety of online selling applications. Obviously pure selling, features, and benefits videos use sight, sound, motion and emotion very effectively. And there are many other ways to sell with video on your website and elsewhere.

One is a testimonial video.

A believable and satisfied customer video is very convincing. It proves your claim.

We just completed this video for Fiberon Decking and their new product, Veranda Composite Decking.  The value proposition and claim of this product is that it's price point makes it an affordable, durable, and beautiful step up from wood decking.  

The product is very affordable AND it is installed with the same tools as wood. You can do it yourself.

So Fiberon had me shoot a customer as they "DIY" their deck.  The video is completely in the unscripted and authentic voice of the customer. It proves the claim: You can DIY your deck with Veranda Decking and it will be more beautiful and longer lasting than wood.

I shot extensive candid video with natural sound, of the customer building their deck and then edited all that all together.

An interesting note: One of the finished versions I produced was a little "slicker". It had more on-screen text and graphics and more beauty shots.   I thought it sold a little harder.

But the customer, (wisely I think) asked me to remove some of the "slickness" and opted for a more basic, slightly grittier, and ultimately more believable look.  It was a great collaborative decision and ultimately makes the video more convincing.

There are all kinds of techniques and levels of production value for producing effective testimonial videos, or any kind of video. We've produced all kinds, and all levels. Trophys_wcat-1-283357-edited

Correctly matching creative video technique to marketing need and business budget is the secret sauce!

But one thing is consistant. Testimonial videos make your value proposition claim believable. 

Call us for really affordable video production. Or Madison Avenue glitz, if that's what will sell your product.

For more video and marketing tips, subscribe to our blog Coombs Content


Topics: Video