Mike Coombs

Mike Coombs
Marketing pro, creative, and businessman. Agency and client side experience. Video expert. Masters Degree-Internet Marketing. Certified Inbound Marketer.
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Recent Posts

Small Biz Sales: Automatic Lead Capture, CRM, & Follow Up

by Mike Coombs on January 17,2018

This post is the 4th of 5 posts discussing four digital sales essentials for small business.

If you ARE a small business person, this might be...

The part you do not know.

You KNOW you need a great website. You KNOW you need compelling messages. And you surely know you need smart people around. But do you know about...

Small Biz Sales: Compelling Offers/Clear Messages

by Mike Coombs on January 4,2018

This post is the 3rd of 5 posts discussing four digital sales essentials for small business.
1. Overview, 2. Mobile, Web, SEO,  3. Compelling Offers/Clear Messages
4. Automatic Lead Capture CRM & Follow UP5. Expertise-Execution
Here is what is NOT new.

Small Biz Sales: Mobile Web SEO

by Mike Coombs on December 28,2017

This post is the second of 5 posts discussing 4 digital sales essentials for small business.
1. Overview,  2. Mobile, Web, SEO,  3. Compelling Offers/Clear Messages, 
4. Automatic Lead Capture CRM & Follow UP, 5. Expertise-Execution


Small Business Sales: 4 Digital Essentials

by Mike Coombs on December 22,2017

This post is the first of 5 posts discussing 4 digital sales essentials for small business.
1. Overview,  2. Mobile, Web, SEO,  3. Compelling Offers/Clear Messages
4. Automatic Lead Capture CRM & Follow UP5. Expertise-Execution

Find experts who execute and measure.

Today, in small and medium size businesses, digital marketing is ...