How your CRM can help you sell!

by Mary Coombs on August 1,2017

Do your sales prospects know more about your company than you do about theirs?
Does your CRM tell your sales people, who has been to your website, and what pages they've looked at?
Does your CRM tell your sales people who's opened their emails and when?

4 benefits of a CRM and more

by Mary Coombs on April 26,2017

Did you know that 75% of sales managers say that using a CRM helps to drive and increase sales?

CRM systems improve customer retention by 27%

It’s hard to argue with numbers like that.

At some point, your organization will need to implement a customer contact management system that’s more organized and streamlined than a mass of spreadsheets. And such a migration could be painful if the decision has been put off a few too many months, or even years.