Small Business Sales: 4 Digital Essentials

by Mike Coombs on December 22,2017

This post is the first of 5 posts discussing 4 digital sales essentials for small business.
1. Overview,  2. Mobile, Web, SEO,  3. Compelling Offers/Clear Messages
4. Automatic Lead Capture CRM & Follow UP5. Expertise-Execution

Find experts who execute and measure.

Today, in small and medium size businesses, digital marketing is ...

How Website Optimization is more than Keywords

by Katie Coombs on August 11,2017

Your company has probably spent a significant amount of time and money on your website.  Are you completely sure you’ve done everything possible to set yourself up for success?

When it comes to optimizing your website, it’s common to focus mainly on Keyword strategy and Search Engine Optimization or “SEO,” when in reality those are key pieces in a bigger puzzle.

You do need a strong keyword strategy and on page SEO, for sure...AND

Introducing the NEW and improved!

by Katie Coombs on June 1,2017

You’ve heard the old saying “the shoemaker’s children go barefoot,” right? Helping businesses structure their websites to capture and nurture leads is our specialty. Often, this means a complete website overhaul. Well, at Coombs Marketing, our feet were starting to get chilly (and our old site was getting a bit stale), so we decided it was time to get some new kicks (and by that I mean a brand new website).

Marketing Common Sense: It’s not that common.

by Mike Coombs on March 28,2017

What works in marketing? Getting the marketing basics right.

Lots of well meaning small and medium sized business marketers do great shiny work, with poor basic messages, and poor results.